Operational readiness solutions for first responders

Good To Go specializes in digital readiness checks, operational inspections, and asset visibility solutions for first responders. Our solutions streamline the activities associated with managing and maintaining equipment, giving valuable time back to personnel throughout their day and ensuring emergency vehicles are "Good To Go".

See how Good To Go 'Ready' has been utilised in Fire and Rescue New South Wales.

Watch the video

Good To Go addresses 3 unique problems

Is anything missing?

Is everything working?

Where's the missing thing I'm looking for?

Operational readiness solutions for first responders

Good To Go specializes in digital readiness checks, operational inspections, and asset visibility solutions for first responders. Our solutions streamline the activities associated with managing and maintaining equipment, giving valuable time back to personnel throughout their day and ensuring emergency vehicles are "Good To Go".

See how Good To Go 'Ready' has been utilised in Fire and Rescue New South Wales.

Watch the video

Good To Go addresses 3 unique problems

  • Is anything missing?

  • Is everything working?

  • Where's the thing I'm looking for?

3 solutions, a myriad of opportunities

All Good To Go solutions can work alongside one another or,
act as a standalone 'on brand' solutions.

  • Good To Go ‘Ready’ is an instant manifest verification service for first responders that scans RFID tagged assets, instantly compares results against a manifest & provides confirmation that a vehicle is “Good To Go”.

    Find out more Good To Go Ready
  • Good To Go ‘Inspex’ is a customisable operational checklist that can work on any mobile or tablet device and focusses on that equipment that has a set schedule for its operational inspections.

    Find out more Good To Go Inspex
  • Good To Go ‘Locate’ is a real-time asset visibility solution that employs fixed readers within stations, depots or vehicles to confirm asset presence, or ‘last seen’ time if it was moved out of reader range.

    Find out more Good To Go Locate
  • Good To Go ‘Ready’ is an instant manifest verification service for first responders that scans RFID tagged assets, instantly compares results against a manifest & provides confirmation that a vehicle is “Good To Go”.

    Find out more Good To Go Ready
  • Good To Go ‘Inspex’ is a customisable operational checklist that can work on any mobile or tablet device and focusses on that equipment that has a set schedule for its operational inspections.

    Find out more Good To Go Inspex
  • Good To Go ‘Locate’ is a real-time asset visibility solution that employs fixed readers within stations, depots or vehicles to confirm asset presence, or ‘last seen’ time if it was moved out of reader range.

    Find out more Good To Go Locate
Good To Go Dave Aicken

Book a free demonstration

To understand the true value of the Good To Go solution suite for first responders, book your no obligation demonstration today.

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Book a free demonstration

To understand the true value of the Good To Go solution suite for first responders, book your no obligation demonstration today.

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Good To Go has applicability to these users

Mining & High Risk Operations

Mining & High Risk

Ambulance Service


Fire and Resuce

Fire and

Rural Fire Service

Rural Fire

Marine Rescue


State Emergency Service

State Emergency

VRA Rescue


Our current pilot customers

Fire and Rescue NSW
NSW Rural Fire Service
Fire and Rescue NSW
NSW Rural Fire Service

AFAC 2023

Good To Go was a highlight of the recent AFAC Conference and Exhibition in Brisbane. Click this link to access Darren Besgrove’s presentation from the Solutions Theatre.

In the media

Good To Go has been supported by the Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer since it's inception and the Bushfire Technology Pilots Program (BTPP).

The best way to keep up to date with Good To Go and where we'll be demo'ing next is to follow us on LinkedIn.

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